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  1. I've run into a weird issue with LVD, I'm not able to use the camera tools to zoom, pan, etc. I've created a GitHub issue here if that helps, with a log snippet showing the exact failure: https://github.com/Arrowstar/ksptot/issues/40
  2. Hello! I wanted to use KSPTOT for planning some missionsi n RSS so I downloaded the latest version. However, after loading in the bodies.ini from the game, Mission architect and Launch vehicle designer won't work, every time I try them they give this error in the log file: Reference to non-existent field 'kerbin'. Error in LvdData.getDefaultLvdData (line 73) Error in ma_MainGUI>generateCleanMissionPlan (line 209) Error in ma_MainGUI>newMissionPlanMenu_Callback (line 564) Error in ma_MainGUI>ma_MainGUI_OpeningFcn (line 91) Error in gui_mainfcn (line 220) Error in ma_MainGUI (line 40) Error in mainGUI>missionArchitectMenu_Callback (line 671) Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95) Error in mainGUI (line 42) Error in matlab.graphics.internal.figfile.FigFile/read>@(hObject,eventdata)mainGUI('missionArchitectMenu_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)) Error using waitforallfiguresclosed (line 9) Error while evaluating Menu Callback. it was working fine before I changed the bodies.ini. Any ideas why this is happening?
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