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Everything posted by dukebg@msn.com

  1. The problem is the capture. I have a 95% capture rate for mum, and thats eyeballing it. The problem is I'm right on with the suggested orbit, but no capture. I have no problem getting an orbit, if I can just get the capture. Should I make my orbit exactly on or exceed it. I haven't figured out what the 2 grey markers on the Minimus orbit are. Are they the best capture point the closer together they are?
  2. I've been trying to fly by or get into an orbit around Minimus. I follow all the directions from Utube videos, use the nav ball, adjust inclination at half way, arrive at the Minimus orbit, with the planet close by, but no capture? It sails right on by. I've gone to the Mun several times and landed, but I did that by eyeballing it. I'm obviously missing something.
  3. I've been watching alot of tutorials on Utube, and I noticed some of the videos, they have all six nav markers to the left of the ball. not just the retrograde and prograde markers. Is there a mod to add the other 4 markers (normal, anti-normal, radial and anti-radial) to the left of the ball?
  4. I've been playing Kerbal for about a week now. I've been taking tourists up to orbits to collect easy cash. When I retro burn to re -enter, I've noticed that even though I have a low orbit to return (50,000-60,000K), if I have a high velocity, say above 2000 m/s, my ship just skips off the atmosphere and doesn't re-enter and just keeps on staying in orbit. What is the maximum velocity to accomplish a proper re -entry?
  5. I accept a contract to take 2 tourists to sub orbital. Load them on my crew list, Load them in a Mk1 Crew Cabin -Make sure they are on the rocket before I take off- take them to 40-50,000 meters. Land them safely but when I go to Mission control the contract is still there, and I get no credit for the contract, or any money. Same with taking parts into space. I fulfill all the contract conditions, all the green buttons are lit up - altitude,speed- but they go out as I descend to landing? Example: Test a parachute between 4000 and 10000 m. I deploy the parachute at 5000 m, the green light comes on, I descend below 4000m and the green light goes out on the contract. Mission control- contract is incomplete.
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