It's pretty simple. It's a command module with a parachute on it, decoupler, 3 SAS, then 10 of the space oranges in a row, with a tri-coupler and 3 liquid fuel engines. It requires the x-tra large fuel, which is like an orange sphere. I'll put a link up in a minute. It's the synth orange folder. Just unzip and drag the folder you unzipped into the parts section of your KSP version. If you use this when you take off, you have to wait like 5 seconds before it moves, and make sure you watch the heat, it overheats quickly on overthrust. Make sure you have SAS on at all times. Also, I didn't crash, it froze when I put my computer to sleep with the game running, unpaused. I'm nearly at 999,999 km right now.