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Everything posted by Finchy_McFinch

  1. [insert asking for help noises] YES PLEASE OH MY GOD YESSSSSSS ALL HAIL THE NEW MATT LOWNE!!!
  2. Is there anyway to fix this WITHOUT making everything huge and ugly?
  3. I actually just got into Duna Orbit. Maneuvre Nodes and ISP stuff, it confused me. Now I'm ACTUALLY stuck.
  4. Thank you! EDIT: I really hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I couldn't quite fly your Duna Express ship to Duna and back with an extra crew member. It isn't anything worng with your ship, I'm just a really inefficient KSP player and I also don't know how to do rendezouz in orbit. Sorry.
  5. Ok, I will think about it. Also, what is number is 80% of the pack fuel?
  6. I'm actually using sandbox mode. I have Kerbal Engineer Redux 1.3 (I prefer it to 1.5), Transfer window planner, Kerbal Alarm Clock and Trajectories installed. I am using KSP version 1.5.1. Also, thank you for the Duna Express ship! It will really help.
  7. 1496 m/s of Delta V. For some reason though, I don't even have enough for a 50 km orbit, which is the lowest I can do without being in the atmosphere. Edit: Turns out I was wrong. I had JUST enough dV to get into orbit, and now I'm actually out of fuel and I just ditched my lander segment, leaving only the command pod and parachute. Sorry for the wrong information, for some reason Manouevre Nodes think you have a different amount of dV when you are in the atmosphere than in space.
  8. The thing is, I don't even have enough Delta V to get into Duna orbit! Also, I have no idea how to make Duna capable spacecraft that don't wobble everywhere.
  9. I recently got to Duna for the first time, but now my poor Kerbal is stranded there with not enough Delta V to get home. Does anybody have a rescue ship capable of carrying one Kerbal to Duna and two Kerbals home that I could use? Also, could somebody please teach me how to do a rescue mission?
  10. As I just found out, Mitfurt is stranded.
  11. Not the case for me. I clicked upload, so I could copy the images in, and it asked me to create an account.
  12. DUNAR DV-3 LANDS ON DUNA Today, at 6:57 pm, Kerbal Space Centre's Tracking Station received news of an incredible feat: The Dunar DV-3, a crewed lander designed for the Mun, Minmus, and most importantly, Duna, had touched down on the bumpy, red terrain of Duna! Mitfurt Kerman and his team of, well... nobody else, really, turned on the camera attached to the engine section of the lander and was immediately broadcasted live being seen stepping out of the hatch of the command pod and falling flat on his face. 207, 314, 502 Kerbals tuned in on their home televisions to watch this historical moment. We interviewed Junee Kerman, Mitfurt's wife, to ask her what her favourite part of the broadcast was. "My favourite part of the mission was seeing Mitfurt climb out of the hatch and plant the flag," says Junee. "But my kids' favourite part was seeing Mitfurt have some fun with his S.A.F.E.R, and upon coming back to the surface, toppling over." Mitfurt Kerman truly is a hero, and always will be.
  13. Is there any way to put images on your forum posts without using websites?
  14. All hail Matt Lowne, King of all things Kerbal!
  15. Please you change my name to Finchy_McFinch? It is my KSP reddit account name and I thought it would be less confusing if it was the same here.
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