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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Built an SSTO spaceplane. I'm only posting thios because my spaceplanes are usually ...not good. It only lost one rudder while taking off so it/s all good.
  2. Because it's still sitting at 0.22 compatibility. Although looking at spaceport it says it is compatible with 0.23 anyway, which only seems to be conditionally true. In 0.23 it works on my win8.1 install but not on my Linux install. It crashes the latter on startup. Not sure why either. It's not a memory issue.
  3. Love the mod but I have come across a slight issue. When using a winch attached to a rover the controls get changed to ship controls and I can't get them back. In my case I have controls mapped to both keyboard and gamepad. In both cases the controls end up in the wrong mode so I can confirm this. On my gamepad I end up with my yaw control instead of rover throttle, and on keyboard I get translate instead of rover throttle. A bit of a nuisance because I wanted to use the winches for recovery vehicles but other than that they work great.
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