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  1. lol i was joking about virus but really I hate il Majestic turk!
  2. Nah it's right I think it was juat kinda funny. (if that makes sense?)
  3. I'll go to a planet a little tweaks to my ships and ill be there. I'll probably go to moho. Put some pics when i get there.
  4. You bet i can land on a gas giant and if thats to difficult just go to a moon!
  5. Basically go to all the planets dont care how, in which order or what mods you use, one exception no using mechjeb or any other mod that fly's your ship for you( you are allowed to use tardis mod for example). Post some pictures and the prizes awarded will be: First: Craziest Rocket: Doctor Who(use Tardis Mod): Cheat (yes use mechjeb I dare you!): Stock (impossible (i think)): And finally back in one piece (no stages for you):
  6. I will be a test pilot email: hollie.socks@gmail.com, i can make videos, i can cfg edit nand am learning to make parts, i am very creative.
  7. will this work on moons/other planets in 0.17 update?
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