I really love KSP as a somewhat realistic space sim but I would love for it to be taken a little further. One of my favorite games has to be Fallout New Vegas and yes you can say the mojave desert was bland at times but what it did bring into the equation was hardcore mode. It is a mode in which you have to monitor your hydration and food levels and if you fail to do so you die. Maybe KSP could have an equivalent in which you have to look at how much oxygen, food and water you have left in order to make sure your little kerbals are ok. Although, I think this would have more of an effect when the kerbalnaught training centre is introduced and the desire to keep hold of your best kerbalnaughts is more prevalent. Also if this was implemented there would be another reason for docking in order to make sure your space station does not run out of its necessities. Also if you really wanted to be a puritan the camera could be locked to the cabin for landings.