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Everything posted by pepa3rd

  1. I know it :), but I have to "advenced tweakables" turn on in setup for change this feature. I found out, that ... patch 1.6.1 fix this bug . Thank you for your help.
  2. @Gordon Fecyk I dont known how check/change the Spring / Damper setting on the wheels in the game. In the editor I dont see it (). Wheel stress is around 0 - 0.2 (Rover on the Eve). But ... When I edit file roverWheelTR-2L.cfg and change parameter springRatio from 7 to 1, then rover on the Eve don't jumps and after repair wheels works!
  3. Thank you for your help. I'll try it. I find that when I leave some wheels destroyed, the rover does not jump and the other wheels are working. (Rover with 8 wheels.)
  4. Hi, After update 1.6, my rover on Eve does not work. All the wheels are destroyed. After repair (with kerbal), the rover jumps and destroys the wheels again. In version 1.5 everything worked. Plugins: MechJeb only.
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