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Posts posted by Silverbreez

  1. Hi all,

    Here\'s an all-stock heavy lift rocket to get into LKO with either a ton of fuel to mess with in LKO or fuel for a Munar transfer & landing complete with fully fueled lander on board. it does use the AR202 autopilot which makes liftoff & LKO a breeze, but once in orbit you\'re on your own for Munar transfer & orbit. happy flying!

  2. I\'ve taken it to LKO a bunch of times, and also given the auto-ascent gets you into orbit well I\'ve had enough fuel in the gimbaled stage to do a TMI Burn .. I made it to the Mun once, and got into orbit, but sadly all hope was crushed when I crashed the lander onto the surface.. :(

  3. Hi Guys, newbie to the forums, and to KSP, but rapidly finding myself hopelessly addicted to this wonderful little game. So here\'s my shot at stock-parts mashed into a Launch vehicle. I modeled it loosely after the Delta IV rockets. and it works wonderfully using the AR202 auto-ascent system.

    It has (4) strap-on solid boosters, that fire in pairs, followed by (2) liquid fuel strap on boosters, and a Liquid fueled core that fire as the '1st' stage, followed by a single gimbaled Liquid fueld engine for the '2nd' stage, and then finally a smaller ascent / descent engine with a small tank on the lander / crew stage with 8 landing legs for redundancy / durability.


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