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Zeb Kerman

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Everything posted by Zeb Kerman

  1. I am playing career mode (*gasp*) and most of my missions involve docking things in orbit. I have attempted the in-game tutorial, but to no avail. If I could have some sort of detailed on how to do it it will be really useful. I have levels 1-3 on the tech tree, including the docking port Jr. I can get something into LKO relatively easy, so getting something up there isn't a problem. So far nothing is in orbit (aside from empty boosters). So I will launch something specifically for this rendezvous (most likely something like Gemini 6A and 7 or Gemini 8). So again, any tips?
  2. I've been playing KSP for almost two months now, and all my kernels are either in the astronaut complex or solar orbit (see my other post). I can't get something into a circular orbit (when I actually get them into an orbit) I have concluded that it is because I don't know when to burn. Any tips?
  3. I've been playing KSP for a while, but I've never successfully landed anywhere (except Kerbin, of course). According To Matt Lowne, Minmus is easier, but I don't know how to get there. I've tried going into a kerbin orbit, but my manoeuvres never gets me in Minmus's SOI. I've also tried the Mun, for its bigger SOI and closeness to Kerbin, but to no avail. I also, can't rendezvous, which means Apollo style missions are impossible. Any ideas for getting me to the mun/minmus. I have the entire tech tree from mobile processing labs, so that isn't an issue. I also have Making History, but no mods. I am open to suggestions and any tips
  4. I'm bad at the game, and multiple Kerbals of mine are going on one-way trips. I have hundreds of landers that never made the trip to the moons, Space stations that gravity assisted themselves out of orbit, rockets meant only to go up, and down. Most of these vessels don't have docking ports, and if they did, how do I reach them? How do I get the ones without docking ports? Mind you I can't land on any planets or moons yet, due to my lack of skill, but I have the entire science tree unlocked.
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