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  1. I see. Is there any setting I can change for this in scatterer?
  2. Really? Even the slight glitching on the upper right of the planet is normal? This planet pack is the only one that has that graphical glitch. Its not a huge deal (It definitely does not lessen the amount of work that went into this) but it does draw my eye. Interestingly, I do not see this glitch with Gael. Only atmo planets that I have to travel to.
  3. I am having a weird graphical glitch on planets with an atmosphere? Any ideas what could be causing this so I can fix it? Doesn't seem to affect planets with no atmo, like Iota and Ceti. Once close enough, these glitches go away. They seem to only appear during certain orbital heights. Picture and mod directory are included down below: https://imgur.com/a/13l65to
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