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  1. Hey Thanks, Didnt know for years ... i could have saved so much time. I get back to tracking station every time i switch before ....
  2. Is there anyway to Switch between close parked Vehicles and rendezvous Vehicles(Without using mod)? When i tried its not possible by clicking the vessels, and the map is completely covered by one vessel icon. it would be great if i can switch vessels just on the third person view. It would be great if there is a feature that can control both vessels at the same time for docking. besides if i have a small vessel docking port magnets are too strong, is there a way to adjust magnets strength or disable it? i'd love to know if there is a solution for that
  3. Thanks for your very detailed reply, Unfortunately I am a Software Engineer,And i Love the game, i make my own mods if i need.Enjoy the game far more than I thought. Reading your reply I'm very disappointed. RSS + RO is a great mod, made by unofficial developer, that earns barely any money from it. I dont think the modder Has more resources than KSP Dev team. Its not about excuses its about love and Passion. When i bought the DLC I just realized KSP is shifted from making a great game to making good money. But if RSS comes out as another DLC, I'll buy it. To answer the things you point out, i might give a solution. first you dont design planets you generate them (noise generating, texture generating and such). re-balancing parts is also not that bad, you can make a re-scaling of parameters and use it for every related part so you wont need do once per part. Its just parameters to scale. KSP has a Gravity hack in F12 menu, everything is just like that, scaling up to needed value. I suggest this for official ksp team is because RSS in not supported on 1.6 . Besides its a suggestion, its a wish and passion for the game. you dont have to teach me bunch of stuff that you dont understand yourself,you have to work on that 25 years of experience. I just hope to see such a feature since its a space simulating game.But hope is not reality, there are mountains in the way. we're done here.
  4. I think a official RSS support would be very welcome, i'm just not comfortable with 2300 m/s orbital speed. I would suggest a just minor tweak for physics to make kerbin as big as earth and have to reach 8 Km/s to orbit , and same for other planets. i think if we can choose RSS and Kerbal system when creating new saves would be awesome. I really hope devs will consider this, because ksp is not only a game, its best education and simulation software for astrophysics. Besides i don't think only tweaking physics engine and model parameters without using new textures wont be too hard at all. I believe that's achievable in less than a week. At least a make a beta version and see the communities response would be much appreciated.
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