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Everything posted by Nopitch_

  1. The fact my aposapsis increases still makes no sense, the trajectory before aerobraking was already taking account of the gravity of jupiter, so when i enter the atmosphere, YES i am accelerating, but there's no way my apoapsis increases.. In comparison making an aerobraking on Saturn or Venus in the very high atmosphere worked correctly, the ship was accelerating cuz of gravity but the apoapsis was decreasing.. For the atmophere height comparizon, this makes sense thx
  2. Jupiter is larger so it's atmoshere should be larger than Saturn's one.. In the very high atmopshere it's possible. Pressure is very low so not much overheat. The doesn't explain why Jupiter's atmosphere is making my ship accelerate
  3. Hey I have ksp 1.8.1, RSS 18.1.3, and i have a little problem. I was going to be out of fuel with my ship & so i decided to make an aerobraking in the very high jupiter's atmosphere (~1530km) I was very surprised to see that my ship was accelerating. Obviously, all engines off. I am also surprised to see that the Jupiter's atm is lower than Saturn's one, it does not make sense but in the datas i can find Saturn atm = 2000km & Jupiter atm = 1550 km , is it normal? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ky-KVvP1K5k Is it the proof of dark energy? If somebody have a solution, please help
  4. @mabdi36 i did it, the screenshot only shows all the mods i downloaded. When i extract the zip in the gamedata folder i don't have problems. But when i start the game, even if the gamedata of the mod is in the gamedata of my game, the mods doesn't works. I don't undertstand why I have version of ksp.
  5. Hi everybody! I play KSP since 6 months and I manage to land on every planet or moon. As a consequence, i'm searching new objectives. The SSRSS mod is interesting but i can't make it work I downloaded lots of mods but no way to reach it. You can see the long list and i tried lots of configurations but no one solves the problem. Is somebody here who has succedded to install SSRSS with 1.3.0?
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