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Everything posted by FazzoMetal

  1. With the Breaking Ground DLC and its robotics parts we have now a ton of new possibilities!
  2. New video, upgraded plane! Now thinking to water-land on Laythe with this...
  3. Yes it's pretty much the same idea Now I'm working on an improved version which uses turbojets instead, so that the number of water-take-off is not limited to one!
  4. New video: heavy transport seaplane inspired to the Soviet Beriev A-40 Albatros which also appears in Evangelion 2.0!
  5. New video about Galileo mission to Jupiter!
  6. I have to admit NASA sky-crane solution is more efficient v.v
  7. I've just uploaded a new, short video about ExoMars 2020 mission!
  8. Third and fourth video uploaded I'll link the last one below
  9. Ho finalmente terminato la mia replica della stazione spaziale Mir Vi linko il quarto e ultimo episodio in cui ho portato in orbita il Mir Docking Module con uno space shuttle! Ovviamente tutto 100% stock
  10. Thanks!!! Your feedback is a great motivation for me I've recently uploaded a brief video about a Soyuz resupply mission to the completed Mir! You can find it below I hope to upload the third video about the Mir assembly procedure next week
  11. Compatibilmente col poco tempo libero che ho a disposizione, contribuirei volentieri. Al momento sto cercando di creare dei contenuti "di qualità" sul mio canale YouTube: se hai voglia dai un'occhiata qui per avere un'idea A presto e buona serata!
  12. Hola! First of all, I'm sorry to write in English, I cannot speak Spanish ^^' I'm writing here since a Spanish user suggested me to post here my Italian-commented videos, they should be interesting/almost-understandable for Spanish people too (I hope so...). Anyway, you can find below a couple of them: the first is about the recreation of the Soviet N1 Moon mission, the second is the first of a series about the Mir space station! If you are interested you can find more videos on my YouTube channel. I hope you enjoy PS if you have any feedback, please feel free to comment!
  13. Buonasera! Sono un grande appassionato di ingegneria aerospaziale e giocatore di KSP da lungo tempo. Ho cominciato da poco a dedicarmi alla realizzazione di qualche video, concentrandomi in particolare sulla ricreazione di missioni storiche utilizzando unicamente parti stock. Se a qualcuno può interessare, vi lascio di seguito i riferimenti a un paio di video, il primo relativo alla missione lunare sovietica N1, il secondo relativo al primo episodio di una serie che dedicata alla stazione spaziale Mir! Spero possano risultare interessanti PS Ogni feedback è ovviamente ben accetto!
  14. Oh, that's a good idea, thanks! What do you think is the best way to highlight my video in the Spanish section? Just open a new thread or join a dedicated thread which is already there?
  15. Thanks! I'll do it if views increase I'm evaluating to speak in English for future projects too, it'd not be a bad idea!
  16. You can find the second episode (with the Kvant-2 and Kristall modules) below!
  17. Hi everybody, I just posted a new video, the first of a new series about the re-creation of the Mir space station in KSP! It's in Italian, I hope it can be enjoyable anyway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhqFVR7slJo
  18. Hi everyone, I'm new on the forum but I've been playing KSP a lot I'd like to share with you some videos I've created, in particular one recreating the Soviet N1 mission and another about Jool exploration: you can find the videos below (or visit my YouTube channel to have an overview https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBllH647B4MVlrJJBvCZPnw?view_as=subscriber) I really like to play 100% stock and to recreate historical vehicles design. I hope you enjoy!!!
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