Was it the 1.7 version of the game that had that massive improvement to memory handling? This mod is quite large and could use that optimization.
Talking about optimization, I'm working on a thing that prunes out redundant parts. With procedural parts, there's hardly any need for a lot of stuff in the game, which could save people a ton of time loading the game and prevent crashes, but would make sharing vessels a hassle.
Currently is only a script that deletes parts on a list. Very similar to AutoPruner, but it deletes stuff instead of changing their names and is aimed at Realism Overhaul.
My goal is to eventually make a fully fledged program with an UI that lets people preview the part and decide if they want it in the game or not with a click. Then it moves the part to a separate folder the game won't waste time looking at, so if the user decides he wants that part, he can revert with another click.
Problem is I have no idea how to make it. I'm a very noobish coder. So if anyone is looking for an idea for a project, feel free to use mine.
For now, the best of my abilities is to manually delete every part I think I don't want and upload the pruned folder somewhere.
BTW, is the problem with the bumpy runway fixed on Real Scale? I'd pay good money for an official DLC with the real, to scale solar system.
BTW2: Another thing I want to work on is implementing contracts for BD Armory, so you can earn some cash on the side developing military aircraft.
Should be simple, really. All I need is a custom contract maker compatible with BDA parts. The parameters are "have X weapon(s) on the aircraft, reach a speed of Y m/s at Z height and a Delta-V of W (a shortcut to estimating combat range)". Perhaps even "weight less than M and cost less than F".