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Everything posted by Johntron

  1. I've read about delta-V and how much is required for the lowest safe orbit around Kerbin, and I've built a rocket with sufficient thrust (ignoring drag for now). Now I'd like to know what an optimum trajectory would look like, and when/if it matters how thrust is applied throughout the trajectory. For the trajectory, the goal is to go from facing straight up to 90 degrees from there in any direction (Parallel with Kerbin surface). If it takes some time to transition, then the trajectory forms a curve. The question is how round is that curve? Obviously you'd want to minimize the amount of distance travelled through atmosphere to reduce losses from drag, but the rest of the forces sort of escape me. As for thrust, some needs to be used to reach altitude, and some needs to be used to transition to horizontal flight, but I'm not sure how much thrust (0-100%), how long to apply it, when in the trajectory to apply it, and how quickly to taper on/off.
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