I think it would be great to heave the ability to programm tasks for the Spaceship to perform... IN ADDITION to the action groups.
When you want to design a Capsule that lands in water with parachutes but also got retro thruster to slow the landing. It would be cool to be able to programm the task to ignite the thrusters when reaching a specific height. For example 5 metres above surface height.
It would also be great to add the possibility to perform a specific action after a certain number of time. Just like detaching two boosters + disabling the engine (like an action group) so the boosters can separate peacefully and after 2 seconds reigniting the engine. It could also be some kind of extension to the action groups as we know them.
Also in terms of automation it would be cool to heave. When you install a mod that adds a real Soyuz Capsule it has to ignite its retro thrusters. I just thought I want to open this thread. I think it would be a nice idea wich can really make some things easier. If it really is a great idea, I would be extremely happy to see it in KSP 2.