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Everything posted by Manitcor

  1. Took a quick diff of the files and the error is pretty clear, with some of the new file sections I need to update some of the data profiles for objects, nothing too heavy (mainly it looks like Scenarios are being treated as vessels for some reason, I thought I coded it for new unknown sections to simply be ignored but preserved, this is why the system always runs a backup before saving). It's actually an optional feature of KerbalData but I use it heavily in KerbalEdit thus the need to update the objects. It will take me a few days as I only play with the code for an hour or so on any given evening. Planning to have a fix ASAP. I most certainly need to build a more comprehensive test suite with good data. I'll make a post when things are good to go. Thanks for the help!
  2. Awesome, thank you! I am planning to sit down tonight and go over this. I am planning 2 releases, a patch ASAP to fix this specific bug and an updated release with better test data and testing for future updates.
  3. That would be the correct idea. StorableObjects<T> is a generic class but not an enumeration (not all generic classes are enumerations, generic properties are used for many reasons). The idea is that there is a single repository implementation (StorableObjects) that supports any kind of data file sporting the KSP format. Everything under a StorableObjects repository should be either enumerable or a dictionary of sorts.
  4. You provided a lot of detail, I will take a deeper look this week and let you know. Clearly I need to clean up my test suite and make better regressions. EDIT: If you can provide me with a save file pre and post these bad edits it will be helpful in nailing this down. I don't play as much as I used to so I don't have many save files kicking about that represent real usage.
  5. Minor patch applied to fix part loading issue for KerbalEdit, future versions will include better browsing for parts, this patch will make it so you can at least load and edit parts correctly. Simpily download the latest edition of KerbalEdit and delete any old copies you have if you are no longer using KSP versions prior to 0.21.x Please let me know if you have any issues.
  6. These libraries don't work quite the way you think. The issue lies in the new paths for parts here as KerbalData does not rely on specific section names in the file. The system uses nant style paths to locate files in the system. It's something I want to make configurable in the future but right now is hardcoded. I made a minor change to KD so that the parts will load again. For this version all the files will load flat, in future versions this will be fixed so you can see the tree structure Squad has put into the file system. Try this new version of KerbalEdit with the patched copy of KerbalData and let me know how it goes: https://kerbaledit.codeplex.com/downloads/get/714182
  7. the reason I bring it up is if you are looking at source the problem may not be in KE and you did not specify where you were looking. Like I said, I'll take a look later tonight, no promise on a fix right away though, this was a little evening project that does still need a lot of love, thus the use of the term alpha.
  8. KerbalEdit does no file parsing, KerbalData handles that. KerbalEdit simply directs some KD parameters. Ill take a peek tonight and see what is up, I didn't test part files as much as I should have it seems. You can open them individually by pointing to a specific file, you just won't get the tree with all of your data.
  9. That is something I most certainly want to do. My initial focus was to get the base file format tools working. Posts like yours are immensely helpful for when I get to adding more features as most of the "advanced" stuff requires specific knowledge of how to mutate the data properly. Keep it coming ;-)
  10. Not yet sadly. I want to get back into working on this as it is a planned feature. I need to spend some time writing unit tests first so I can validate the work better. I first wrote this on a lark and have been a bit sloppy about proper unit testing and have been doing manual tests to ensure data integrity. At this point it makes it too easy for me to over-complicate or break things without the right tests. tl;dr No, not yet, sorry
  11. Yes, the software has been tested to work with any save, craft, scenario or config file for any version KSP 0.18 or higher.
  12. It's been a little while since I have had time to code for personal projects so I haven't done a ton with this. The design is made to be future proof to a certain degree. I have tested the current release of KerbalEdit with 0.21 and file editing and loading works just fine. Feel free to continue to use KerbalEdit on your latest 0.21 save, config and craft files. Please let me know if you have any issues.
  13. My latest monstrosity (I am a remotetech addict) The Relios corporation specializing in orbital and stellar communication systems, designed to fill the needs of even the most ambitious space agency's communication program announces the launch of their new Relios 6 Star System Switchboard. This giant relay sports 25 900gm dishes and multiple power systems to support the relay for even extended periods in complete darkness. Equipped with 4x NERVA engines and enough fuel for over 7000m/s of deltaV this relay can be placed in orbit around any desired body or around the Kerbol system in general. The 25 long range dishes allows the KSC to maintain communications across the Kerbol system at all times by automatically switching between peer relays as the signal changes. The Relios 6 also comes equipped with both standard docking port sizes for re-fueling and service. Due to its large size it is delivered with a custom lift system designed to place the relay and 99.999% of it's fuel (a total of approx 255-tons) into a stable 100km orbit above Kerbin.
  14. When building a lander I always do a landing test with no gear on to see how it behaves. In general I try to make the lander so that if I lose my legs I can still put it on the ground with minimal damage (though it might not fly again).
  15. I love debris but with the current lag I get when I have a bunch or even a handful near the launch pad I have disabled them entirely when the performance gets better I will start using them again. I want to create missions where I have to build a space garbage truck to pick up and bring back down all the junk left up there.
  16. Update 4/19 Forum failure lost the thread so reposting it, still need to add back everything the old thread had. I have been slammed with work so have made little progress as of late however I am back to looking at KerbalEdit and KerbalData and hope to get some serious code in soon.
  17. Update 8/5 Minor patch applied to fix part loading issue for KerbalEdit, future versions will include better browsing for parts, this patch will make it so you can at least load and edit parts correctly. Simpily download the latest edition of KerbalEdit and delete any old copies you have if you are no longer using KSP versions prior to 0.21.x Please let me know if you have any issues. KerbalEdit v0.3.1 - KSP Data Editor for Windows Open a KSP Install by Typing in the path of your KSP install and clicking "Load" or clicking "Folder" and using the picker. Navigate your files and data using the tree. Don't worry! Nothing is changed unless you make an edit and Save it. Edit data values directly just as if you were editing the file, get to your data elements quicker. Data Values and the tree items that hold them highlight to let you know what has been changed since the data was opened Right-Click menu on many nodes provide quick access to a number of quick update method Download the latest version for 0.21.x right now!Download the latest version for Pre 0.21.x Copies right now! What is Kerbal Edit? KerbalEdit is a Reference application based upon the KerbalData. It is a fully usable end user application with source to give other developers a guide in thier own KerbalData Applications. KerbalEdit allows you to: Load/Edit/Save KSP Save, Craft (both global and under a specific save), Part and game settings. Scan a KSP install for all available data files Import/Export Files to your game quickly Automatically backs up changed files, keeps a copy of original data to restore live object. Save Development Time : Time Savings Do simple popular actions Clear all debris and unknown items from a save Put any craft currently in game (on the pad or in orbit) in orbit around any body Refuel any or all craft in your save with a single command (fills any resource to max) more to come (looking for suggestions)... Requirements Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (Mac and Linux versions are planned but not yet available) .NET 4.0 Framework Download Here Source Here Powered by KerbalData
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