I also run into this on PS4 KSP enhanced edition.
I landed a large lander can on the mun. I can send one of the two kerbals in the can on EVA, if it's the scientist he can even reset the Science Jr and mystery goo unit on the roof of the lander can but I don't get any let go / board actions and he's not moving. RCS can' tbe activated either.
I have several other vessels in space with kerbals on board different types of capsules and cans, some of them have been on EVAs from those vessels before. They all seem to get stuck in the same way now when I send them on EVA. I've tried: radial menu > crew > EVA, clicking on the EVA button on the kerbals face on the bottom right in cursor mode, opening the "crew hatch" popup and select EVA there. Doesn't seem to make a difference how I do it.