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Everything posted by iAmJimmyHoffa

  1. I don't know, and as much as I'm looking forward to it, I ultimately don't really care. Just so long as it's fully developed and polished and to the complete satisfaction of everyone on the dev team.
  2. Absolutely gorgeous! The planetshine is a fantastic touch.
  3. Oh, wow. That seems like what I was looking for. Thanks again.
  4. Would there happen to be a recent/updated mod that replaces the Kerbol system with Sol, but maintains (or approximates) KSP scale so that vanilla/standard mod parts are still usable? RSS and its attendant mods are cool, but sometimes I just want to use vanilla and stockalike parts with vanilla KSP-sized rockets, and not massive monstrosities trying to compensate for the comparatively immense planetary scales. Thanks for any help.
  5. Would there happen to be a recent/updated mod that replaces the Kerbol system with Sol, but maintains (or approximates) KSP scale so that vanilla/standard mod parts are still usable? RSS and its attendant mods are cool, but sometimes I just want to use vanilla and stockalike parts with vanilla KSP-sized rockets, and not massive monstrosities trying to compensate for the comparatively immense planetary scales. Thanks for any help.
  6. Just checked my launch settings and realized I was doing that exact thing (if I recall I tried running RSS/RO a few days ago and was instructed to do that; or maybe it was some other mod). Either way, the issue is solved. Thanks!
  7. Hey guys. Just wanted to say this is a fantastic mod and I wanted to congratulate and thank the creators for doing such a wonderful job. I have a very minor (but incredibly irritating!) glitch where the picture previews for all parts in the VAB don't show; instead, everything is a grayish silhouette. It's pretty annoying where I have to go through all the parts and mousing over to see the names of parts. Is this a known result of having parts mods installed with Restock? For reference, I have the Near-Future parts mods installed, as well as SVE/EVE and Outer Planets. Thanks for any help.
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