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  1. nope you wont not a month try 8 months to a whole year
  2. can we get frequent updates on the matter maybe some context on what happened in more detail as you guys try to figure it out? maybe see if the community can help
  3. at this point they should cut their losses and make the dlc free as compensation we're not gonna hear anything for a minimal of at least 5 months to max of a year
  4. wasn't done most likely and they realized they gave themselves an unrealistic deadline so we won't see an update or dlc for another 7 months at this point console should be free to play
  5. except they can test things before hand instead of assuming it'll be ok this is a case of they were not ready from the get go and are showing that they are being incompetent
  6. welp see you all in 5 months and now i have demands 1. all those who have bought the game get either full refund for the game or the dlc for free when it comes out 2. stop giving pc 10 updates between console updates so this doesn't happen and 3. actually be ready to go to release instead of pulling a number out of a hat and calling that a release date
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