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  1. I ended up finding a (probably worse) way to do it before everyone responded, I basically just subclassed ModuleEngines (and ModuleEngineFX), and overrode OnLoad, then I just modify the config node that's passed in as a parameter, and it works quite well. I used MM to switch all ModuleEngines with the subclassed version. So far its worked with all the mods I have tried it with. I basically just wanted to classify each engine at load time into categories like Upper/Lower/Sustainer/High Efficiency based on the original stats, so I can more accurately buff the stats so I can play RSS without RO
  2. I'm looking to create something that can change the stats of multiple engines (i.e. ISP, thrust). The way I'm trying to do it right now is to create a PartModule, attach it to all of the parts via a ModuleManager patch, and try to have this PartModule modify the engine stats at load time, but I'm not sure if I am going about it properly. I created an OnLoad override, and I am able to get the Engine module that is attached to the part, and I am iterating through the 'Fields' property of the engine module, but, the atmCurveIsp field has zero points, and useAtmCurveIsp is false. I understand I can accomplish this through ModuleManager alone, but I wanted to write some more complicated algorithms to calculate the updated engine stats. If anyone can point me in the correct direction, I would greatly appreciate it!
  3. I really appreciate the update! This is exactly what I've been looking for
  4. It seems to be an issue with other planet packs using Kopernicus that add additional launch sites. I'm going to PM you a forum link where I found another case of this issue.
  5. I looked back and I worded that post poorly, I edited it incase anyone stumbles upon it, as I've seen a few reports of this issue. Unfortunately I believe(?) this is outside of the authors control, so uninstalling the DLC, or installing 'Making Less History' seems to be the only fixes for the time being. Hopefully this fixes the issue for you, as it did with me, because this is an amazing planet pack
  6. If you look back a page I had a diccusion about this. The 'Making Less History' mod will fix the issue, but also disables mission builder.
  7. I managed to fix this issue (buttons not working after landing, save not working, etc..) by installing the 'Making Less History' mod, I didn't need the Mission Builder so this solution was optimal for me. I'm on 1.6.1 as well, although I did not do a clean install while troubleshooting, instead I tried to verify game files through steam after removing all mods. From what I've found, the block of code causing the exception is in the base game (?) and is basically a for loop, accessing a list/array, but the upper bounds of the iterator is based on the count of a different list/array (launch site lists I believe). But this loop is within an if statement that checks for the DLC, or something along these lines. Thank you for the prompt support though! I'm a C# dev and although I haven't dug into KSP yet, I understand how much work support can be after initial release and I very much appreciate it! One final quick question, I'm still fairly new to the game. What would the altitude for geostationary orbit around Rhode be? I think an object in this orbit would eventually enter Lua's SOI, but Im not sure if I have the correct altitude.
  8. Im not sure if this is the correct place to post this question but, I'm getting an index out of bounds exception when trying to save, it doesn't appear to be caused by this mod, but I only started to get it after installing some of the perquisites to this mod. After further research I believe the issue might be Kopernicus (but I am unsure). If you have the DLC, and have a craft with two 'parts' on the surface of another body (i.e. debries/probes), the save, recover vessel, and Space Center/Tracking Station buttons become inoperable. Which makes the game unplayable, has there already been a solution to this issue? I feel like it would be a fairly large issue for anyone playing this mod, but I haven't seen much posted. [EXC 18:00:39.032] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List`1[LaunchSite].get_Item (Int32 index) Vessel.get_LandedInStockLaunchSite () FlightState..ctor () Game.Updated (GameScenes startSceneOverride) Game.Updated () QuickSaveLoad.doSave (System.String filename, System.String screenMsg) QuickSaveLoad.OnSaveAsClose (System.String saveName, Boolean pauseGame, .FinishedSaveLoadDialogCallback onSaveAsCloseReturn) QuickSaveLoad.ConfirmDialog (Boolean pauseGame, .FinishedSaveLoadDialogCallback onSaveAsCloseReturn) QuickSaveLoad+<SpawnSaveAsDialog>c__AnonStorey1.<>m__1 () DialogGUIButton.OptionSelected () DialogGUIButton.<Create>m__7 () UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke () UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press () UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[IPointerClickHandler] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1 functor) UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() Edit: After looking through GitHub I now belive its Kerbal Konstructs, Ill post back if I find more info Edit2: I removed every mod except this one and a required mods, and am still having this issue. All exceptions (recover/save/space center) have this line
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