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Ceruleum Space Program

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Everything posted by Ceruleum Space Program

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5pqyQz2WjQ
  2. very sorry i do not have any DLC, and i have the most recent version available on steam although it sounds like a powerful rocket so well done
  3. By the way it only has about 2000 delta v witch isn't enough for minmus witch requires 5760 delta v to get there and back
  4. thankyou this will be most useful, however i do not have a spark so i shall use a terrier instead
  5. thankyou schwank, allthough that is a bit ahead of where i am it shall however, be useful when i unlock those parts
  6. I am still new too the game and have a lot to learn, In my science save i am ready to get to minmus but any rocket i make has around 5000 delta v witch is enough to get there but not to get back and i can't send science back from minmus because i don't have powerful enough satalites to communicate. Can anyone share some rocket designs?
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