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Everything posted by Kitchen_Duty

  1. I installed the mod after I already had a career going and it had unlocked all the parts already. I'm not getting any orbital science contracts though. Any way to force the game to realize I have those parts? Edit: Nevermind, I timed warped a week and got my first contract.
  2. Is anyone else missing a ton of ingame options? I only have the SMART ass, delta-v, orbit/surface info selections. Missing a ton of the usual options (like ascent, spaceplane guidance, landing, tranlation, autopilot, etc). If this is known I'm sorry and if you fixed it, please tell me how you did it.
  3. I'd like to point out we aren't demanding that bac9 release an update, we're talking to each other to try to see if something on our end is just broken. Obviously he is busy with work and updating will happen when he has time but till then we can't talk to each other about our builds/parts/plugins that might not work?
  4. Looks like .20 isn't compatible with .21, i'm missing quite a bit, mostly the fuel tanks and aerodynamic stuff. Anyone else confirm?
  5. Granted this isn\'t completely stock mods but this is how i jetison the cart off one of my moon landers: You can either just hover a couple meters off the ground and then drop it or land on the legs, drop it, then take off again.
  6. so this is my moon landing rocket, should be enough to get you there and back. It helps not to jetison the legs+ fuel tanks unless they are out of fuel. If some part fails, sorry, I use a lot of mods but this one should be completely stock.
  7. I want to try some precision docking but I don\'t want the normal SAS/Mechjeb to alter my course using the thrusters, just my keyboard commands.
  8. There was a screenshot on reddit of a capsuled destroyed on the surface with one of the kerbalnauts screaming and jeb smilling: they were out of fuel and only one of them was scared. So I downloaded the game, I always loved lunar lander!
  9. the screenshot i posted is a picture of my ship, not Olson\'s
  10. There is a decoupler but no extra struts, they can be added for more support obviously, but they are just solid booster rockets so they burn quickly and eject off. Tried to upload closer shots but the server doesn\'t like me today apparently. I\'ll try again later
  11. Could be arbitrary, just a placeholder number for the engine(kerbal space program) to interpret. I mean, what does 100 health in Doom mean? It\'s not heart beats per minute ;P
  12. I downloaded your ship and tried it out. I did not fly it because I\'m busy watching movies but here are some my initial thoughts: You need to move your quad rockets on the side down the ship to make it more stable. I\'d go even further and change them into solid boosters (for added stability) on the launchpad. Also, since it seems you have the sunday punch pack installed I\'d add some other things to you rocket: [list type=decimal] [li]Add fixed wings somewhere, a set of 3 or 4[/li] [li]add some of the sas 2 venier boosters from the command control tab, they are vectoring rockets and allow you to steer better[/li] [li]I\'d put a smaller tank and make a middle stage somewhere, so you can eject the heavy tanks and use a lighter system on top[/li] Since you have those packs installed, here\'s my current test build (work in process!) for my moon rocket, I have a lot of struts installed to help with wobble and many stages. Download below
  13. Yes I am. I deleted the KW pack from the game and then used just the novapunch parts, no more tipping rockets. Seems they aren\'t compatible with each other. Thanks gents.
  14. 1. Alt + L locks the current stage, so you don\'t accidently screw up an hour worth of precise maunevering and jettison a stage. 2. plug ins and parts packs really make the game more interesting. I highly recommend the novapunch pack and mechjeb autopilot.
  15. So I downloaded many mods for parts: KW pack Nova parts pack Sunday Punch Pack etc I am attempting to build a very large rocket and many of the parts don\'t seem to mesh together and cause it to tip over. I\'ve tried many many combinations of tanks, struts, decouplers, solid boosters etc. Is there anything that I should be watching out for and doing to avoid this. I\'m tired of all these rockets tipping over on the launch pad and blowing up. Is there anything I can modify in the files themselves to make the parts not so wobbly? Thanks in advance!
  16. I\'ve got a bug/problem, hopefully you can tell me what i\'m doing wrong: I cannot use any of the parts in your mod because if I try all the parts decouple and then bounce/explode on the launch pad. I even tried just connecting a x6 engine to the 7 part fuel tank and a command module: explodes. Any ideas?
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