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Everything posted by Jbailey23

  1. BEST. MOD. EVER. after stage separation, only 25 parts total with zero lag https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1845441094 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1845441446
  2. Thank you for the quick reply. I deleted the old module manager and downloaded 3.1.3 as you said and it's still not working. the box for the weld icon pops up, however its white and not clickable. Sorry for the crappy quality, but here's some photos https://photos.app.goo.gl/kBZaK89Kb4KuHFrY6
  3. I've downloaded this mod for my 1.7.2 version and couldn't get it to work. I switched over to ksp version 1.4.2 and re-downloaded the mod and it still isn't working. can someone please help me out
  4. Personally, I believe a Mun site would lose a lot of beginners interest because it takes out the biggest milestone for every beginner (getting to the Mun). However if we were able to "build" a Mun base that would peak my interest! For example, land particular Mun base parts on the moon (hoping it would be EXCEPTIONALLY difficult) to build the base, then be able to use it from there on out. Maybe something like this could be used to build a base anywhere we want? Again, with extreme difficulty
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