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Everything posted by Vitalfir46

  1. On that screenshot you posted of the spacecraft you have trimmed turned on. Those are the purple markers you can in the bottom left, those just basically make it so your craft will always turn in that direction. It's pretty annoying so i turned it off. You can do two things: 1) Press LB and down on the left joy stick to reset the trim. This will get rid of the markers. 2) This is what i did and i recommend you do the same as it will just a lot of time and frustration in the future. While in a save game, press pause and go to the settings. Scroll down and under gamplay you'll see something called 'trim'. Make sure it's disabled so that this problem doesn't happen again. If you need anymore help you can check out the Kerbal Klassroom club on xbox, it's full of people who help other players and build cool things too.
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