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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. cpu: i7 5820k @ stock 3.3ghz graphics: 2x MSI twin frozr gtx 670 in sli. 1680x1050 windowed. fps: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9H7aJOXdZvyNEJVVXRUXzdIYVE/view?usp=sharing frametimes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9H7aJOXdZvyNEJVVXRUXzdIYVE/view?usp=sharing system: http://i.imgur.com/djw0j8R.jpg
  2. how do you make large renders of maps. i'd love to finish mapping out the mun and make a large map of it.
  3. got this bad boy up to around 26k meters. but i was going too slow to maintain that altitude(vertical climb). pretty easy aircraft to fly, very stable oddly enough.
  4. chute failed to open early enough, it fully opened at like, 20m at most lol. 542 x 53,317.2 - 1038 = 28,896,884.4 i would think time would be a reduction as it means you didn't travel that fast. as it is, you can build an extremely slow rocket(as i did), launch and fly slowly for the first 3-5 minutes, and then you actually pick up speed afterwards and cover real distance and gain a ton of points.
  5. could probably manage more. its pretty easy to get this far, didn't even use any SRB's. time was 5:59
  6. how about this, add another part to it. no SAS modules. that'll make it much more tricky.
  7. enjoyable to fly a regular/vanilla ship. most people take the stock parts for granted and don't really use them too long. something to be said about making one of them get into extremely high orbit on vanilla parts and maintain stability. gotta say, got enough SAS modules it basically flies itself. downside is that you cant arc it because it torques so much.
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