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  1. Hi I have a few nitpicky questions was wondering if anyone could shed some light on (if not it's fine this mod is amazing enough as it is I'm sure I'll manage) 1- ik the stars and nebula are nice and all in the background but I sort of prefer the old stock milky way (it seems more realistic and it has more star density. is there any way to remove that without changing anything else? 2- There are these red whispy clouds that I can still see at night from the surface of kerbin I assume it has something to do with the sunset but they remain there all night (like I said not a huge problem just wondering if I could fix that somehow) 3- I'm guessing I could fix this myself but thought id ask anyway the mod appears to add weird looking hair to the kerbals makes sense to try to make them look better but I think it just makes them look weirder. any way to remove this? any help you can offer would make this amazing mod even better thanks! images of issues https://imgur.com/a/eBDp1eK
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