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  1. Thanks for the insights and sharing your experiences! So is there any type of experiment which can be transmitted without loss? Sure it would be fun, but I'm not really seeing an advantage in terms of gaining science.
  2. Hello Fellows, I'm trying to shift my manned ambitions to unmanned probes and rovers. My experience with those is quite limited, so I'm wondering how can I use them to collect science? What can they do? What can't they do? What kind of equipment is necessary? I would be great to get advice from the pros on this topic :-) Thanks! Dune
  3. Scatterer seems to work fine. Thanks for the recommendation!
  4. Hello community! Is there any working sun flares mod out there for V 1.7.X? I tried Galileo but it's not working. Can you recommend a few mods which improve the visual and are still working in the latest version? Thanks a lot! Dune
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