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Everything posted by kleberdag

  1. Thank you! I going use this forum next time. About the control key F4 I not tryied. But i will. I need see this target:
  2. [BR] Iae galera beleza? Eu instalei o KSP e estou tentando fazer a aproximação de 2 naves no espaço. Eu seleciono o meu target na outra nave e quando começo fazer a aproximação, não aparece aquele triangulo que mostra a distância que estou do meu alvo. Como eu faço para habilitar essa função? [EN] Hi guys, first I want say that my english is´t good. But, I´m going to try tell you whats is my problem. I installed KSP and I am trying to make an approxination of 2 space ships in space. I select my target in the other space ship and when I start making an approximation doesn´t show the triangle that shows me how far I am from the another space ship. Does somebody know what can I do to anable this?
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