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Everything posted by EnfieldOneOne

  1. How do I get the correct ratio of methane to oxidizer for the methalox engines? There doesn't seem to be a preset in Configurable Containers. Do I just need to manually add resources to the tank at the correct ratio? If so, what would that ratio be?
  2. So, I'm having some difficulty getting the mod to work after updating to 1.9.1. I've used multiple different versions of the mod that were available on CKAN and listed as compatible with 1.9.1. The UI doesn't seem to show the existing resources within any of the fuel tanks, and as such won't let me add new ones since the tanks are already at capacity. I'm not sure if it's something I'm doing wrong, or if it's a conflict with another mod, or if the installation was just bad. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like. Any and all help would be much appreciated. Screenshot Edit: figured it out. I rolled AT Utils back to a 1.9 compatible version and now everything works. Disregard this.
  3. This is exactly the answer I was looking for. Will be installing tonight when I get home from work!
  4. I've been thinking about installing this mod for a while. I just have one important question. The OP says that FAR doesn't work with modded wings because the need to have their characteristics input manually, which makes sense. However I play with quite a few mods installed, some of which happen to have wings in them. This raises the question of how does FAR handle wings that aren't stock? Do they just apply stock aerodynamics to them? Or do they perhaps cause some sort of catastrophic failure within FAR? Or maybe something in between those two extremes? Thanks in advance for a reply.
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