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Everything posted by FilesUnknown

  1. It is now after flipping the remote control module, but before flipping the remote control module the thing wouldn't be stable with or without SAS engaged. Actually you are right it was the SAS engaged. Now it makes sense.
  2. One thing I don't get is why should it matter the orientation as to whether it flips without SAS? I mean it should be blasting the same way when uncontrolled and SAS off regardless of orientation. Also thank you everyone for being patent with my issues of posting images and blueprints!
  3. Sorry you had to make your own launch craft. I uploaded the previous version that wouldn't fly instead of the current version that freeks out in atmosphere. But my design didn't change a bit other than flipping it around, so all your points are valid.
  4. I have no options except stability assist this early on in my career, but I see how that would cause a problem. I know the direction changed but I didn't think that ment the orientation of control changed. I don't have any prograde controls sadly I only have stability assist. @Ratwerke_Actual I will correct the inverted remote control! Thank you for letting me know that would cause the issue!
  5. No mods installed only vanilla. .Doesn't bend in space but used to bend at takeoff until I flipped it around. Sas is enabled when it flips. I don't even though the controls and it flips. Control point doesn't change, but I wish the control point would flip.
  6. Yay screenshots now work! Thanks James Kerman about the Imgur advice.
  7. I tried using google images but that didn't work. I am trying imgur now hopefully it works. I don't know because I can't seem to see my post when I am not logged in. Also I forgot to mention I have 4 solar panels.
  8. Thank you everyone for the quick replies! I am sorry the images aren't working. I'll lurk for a post on how to post images, that work. I added the craft files for the payload (rotated to make sense) and the whole craft.
  9. https://kerbalx.com/FilesUnknown/boom-unmaned-wontwork-payload I am in career mode and definitely made some research choice mistakes, please don't hold that against me. I am just trying to figure out if this is a glitch or a mechanic I haven't learned yet. I have my last stage here, manages to get this stage into orbit, but when I turn on the rocket the ship isn't stable. I tried googling flipping rocket but all they talk about is in atmosphere. The issue happens at 80,000+ km. Is this a bug? The components are: probodobodyne OKTO, two small inline reaction wheels, science jr, mobile processing lab with science stuff on it (with 4 solar panels) and rovemax model s2, adapter cone, fl-T200, fl-T400, Terrier. Also I have batteries hidden under the adapter cone, and two communotron 16-s. Everything is rotation symmetric. For context this is the whole rocket below. It's goal is to get science lab to Mun. https://kerbalx.com/FilesUnknown/boom-unmaned-wontwork-flipped
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