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  1. Im trying to build a giant battle ship with really big turrets but when ever I shoot with the giant turrets ( the ones with 3-4big barrels and take 365 ap ammo) they always break off ive tried adding struts but they still dont help. Any solutions?
  2. Are there any surface features that spawn on the mun because I have built many bases there but don't know if it was worth it
  3. It's no bug I once had this issue in ksp 1.6 All you need to do is go into your game data folder where inside it says "squad" and "squad expansion" and you need to make sure the mods are along side it (doesnt matter what order) like this: Squad Squad expansion KAS (Same with any other mods) And make sure there isnt any other folder called "game data" in your game data folder as the game gets confused with the files It should work as it I have KAS now in ksp breaking ground I hope this fixes it Reply if it doesn't
  4. I'm really excited for the new KSP breaking ground DLC but I don't know how to apply it to my game when it comes out because I would know how to install it on my computer but which game files would I put it into.
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