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Everything posted by JesterOfTortuga

  1. That did the trick! Thanks for sharing. Now to crash dozens of V-22 rip-offs!
  2. Meant to edit that out! Having trouble uploading to imagur (because of course) so meant to edit out all references to screenshots before posting. Apologies.
  3. That should all be set up properly, but as you say -- we are all new at this Here's a screenshot that might help elaborate on what I'm experiencing. Everything appears to be set up properly in SPH, but once on the runway the servos appear to be moving (I can see the angle change in the right click menu) but the parts attached to them do not move at all. I thought the problem might have been my initial approach -- building proper nacelles onto the end of the servos. But I've re-built the engine setup directly onto the edge/side mounts of the servo, and this doesn't work either.
  4. Hey everyone, Cannot for the life of me figure out how to get my robotics parts to work outside the VAB. I've got everything set up properly with the controller in the VAB, it all works as intended when I run tests there. But once on the pad, or the runway in case of a spaceplane, the parts don't move. I've tried everything, so unless I'm missing something critical, there's a bug here? Or, one of my mods is somehow preventing this from working as Squad intended. I'm not sure which mod that would be, as I was not using Infernal Robotics.
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