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  1. Same... do not have the DLC... appears to be not in the config for those without the DLC. EDIT TO ADD: Did the trick of updating with a separate file that 4x4cheesecake recommends and this does fix the language (removes the autoloc dialog) on the screen but the behavior of added custom buttons and pitch/yaw and all that is still the same. Thanks for looking into this... I'm with Milesy... this is a quirk that doesn't affect the overall greatness of the game... not at all... I'm sure it will be fixed. Thanks again.
  2. This isn't an answer to the OP but I am experiencing the same problem and have researched it a little... the error is happening in the action grouping inside the build building... the autoloc # is 8003261 which when searching the up-to-date dictionary.cfg file, this entry does not exist and the number falls firmly in line with entries for the new expansion, "Breaking Ground". I have not bought this expansion, would love to, but haven't... I do not know if the OP does not have the xpack either and if this is an entry that does exist in the file for people who do have the xpack... I just know I don't have the xpack and the entry doesn't exist in my config. I have to believe this error happened in the latest patches for the xpack that came out in the last 48 hours... because that's when the error showed up. EDIT TO ADD: I'm toying with it... I only have the first upgrade to the VAB and to the Ground Control Building... yet, this is allowing me full access to all the custom buttons which shouldn't be unlocked yet... I simply click on the abort button to add actions to it, which is what I use for science actions to quickly do them before I upgrade fully... and this opens all the custom action slots which I can now use... even though as I have said, I do not have the upgraded facilities to do this... my save file is actually called "LEGIT" so I am not going to use this exploit... but it breaks the whole mechanic of leveling up buildings. AND A BIT MORE: Actually... it just allows you to assign things to the custom tabs, but when going to the launch pad, custom action buttons that have been assigned do not work... so it's not saving the custom actions inside the VAB with this exploit... so it's not really an exploit... just a graphical bug... the basic actions still save and work in mission.
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