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Everything posted by Alexishvegas

  1. My Pe and Ap were roughly 100,000m. And yes, I realized I had the probes deactivated in the Tracking Station lol. Thank you for your answer.
  2. Hello, I am playing in a career mode, where I'm sending a rocket into Kerbin's orbit. Once I was in a stable orbit around Kerbin, I went to the tracking station because I was going to Minmus, and the inclination of its orbit and the gravity from Mun was making me have trouble getting a transfer. Anyway, when I go to the tracking station to time accelerate, I realized that my rocket going to Minmus wasn't there. I don't know what was going on because I was in a stable orbit, not in a collision course. It was a ship made to carry ore from Minmus, so it was sort of expensive, and I found out that every time I launched it it was taking funds from me, and not refunding them when the ship disappeared, so I ended up by losing over 200,500 funds. I don't know if the rocket file was getting corrupted every time or something, or the game thinks I'm in a collision course, and it's not warning me about it when I go to the Tracking Station. I'm using Kerbal Engineer Redux by the way.
  3. Alright, but does using the cheat menu have other consequences in your career?
  4. I tried everything I could but it didn't work. I guess now I'm gonna have a probe flying around in a polar orbit unless I want to bring it down some day. Thanks for helping though guys.
  5. Hi, yes I am, because the "Reach designated orbit" and "Maintain stability for ten seconds" are checked, but the "Build a new unmanned that probe" isn't. So maybe this is a build problem, and the first requirement should be checked before even getting into that orbit. Thank you for your answer.
  6. Hello, I have a problem with a contract where it says "Position satellite in a polar orbit of Kerbin". The requirements are "Build a new unmanned that probe" (I don't know why it says "that" between "unmanned" and "probe") with the note saying "Please note that this must be a new unmanned probe built for Kerbal Motion LLC after the contract is accepted", then "Reach the designated polar orbit around Kerbin within reasonable deviation", and "Maintain stability for ten seconds". I have built a new unmanned probe, and launched it into space, and placed it in the "polar orbit" after accepting the contract. The second and third requirements are completed, but the "Build a new unmanned that probe" isn't. I don't know if I should build a probe with only "Kerbal Motion LLC" parts, but that manufacturer doesn't have parts required to build a probe. Does anybody know what is going on here? Thank you.
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