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Everything posted by Gergorik

  1. My walker is working now. It is somewhat slow, as it took 2:18 to reach the finish-line. There is also a slight clipping problem because the legs are bending, but is has fully funktional tank-controlls including turning in the spot (thanks to two KALs as suggested by @Lisias). I will probably redo it with an additioal hinge istead of the piston to get rid of the clipping, but it won't get much faster as there is no way to increase the craft's speed whilst moving and starting at a higher speed just causes it to flip over.
  2. There seems to be a bug that breaks the parts during reload, which causes them to be uncontrollable by any means. You have to delete the part and place a new one that you will have to reprogram. You should also avoid copying any controlled parts as it seems to confuse KAL as well. I'll try to get it working but might just have to wait until it is fixed.
  3. I made something the only problem is that KAL wont control more than the first 30 parts for some reason, so the hinges with the left landig gears won't move on the runnway, though they move in the VAB.
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