I suggest 3 improvements :
1- Chop'otron and the grapple cannot be added to a programmed sequence. There is no hook or other means of gripping added with the DLC. So we can determine what a crane is going to do, for example, to carry out such maneuver (to deploy, to catch a part via a docking, to deposit in another place), but it is impossible to ensure that a dock is done automatically, it has to be done manually
2- no “stop point” or “pause” that can be integrated into the sheduled sequence, so you have to add a long time period or all the positions of the various parts remain identical to allow you to have time to click on a dock to decouple and rejoin with that of your crane. So 1+2, it's not good, not usefull.
3- last point very annoying, you add the parts in the programming, but impossible to change the order of the parts (from top to bottom of the kal1000 screen), so if you notice that you put your third piston before the second, it is more difficult to establish the prog of positions by parts. Or you can do it all over again...
Sorry fort my poor english, French user.