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Everything posted by Hermann0000

  1. It's the one with 60Gm but i have only one and it's targeted at active vessel so it will never aim at these satellites unless i mark it. The issue is not the strength because i got that secured well the issue is that whether do i have to have both of the said satellites target each other or i can have let's say the Mun one to target my main and they will be connected. its seems like its not the case so im kinda liquided. And it would mean that i have remake my whole network.
  2. It may seem as a dumb question but do really both of my dishes have to be pointed at each other (i.e A<->B) since i really want to make a mun to kerbin relay but when i point the dishes of my 4 mun satellites to my main one i don't have the signal since my main dish doesn't point at them. If that's the case can i turn it off somehow?
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