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Galactic Hazard

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Posts posted by Galactic Hazard

  1. GEA V7M3 does not work here with KSP, 1.7.1 Making History and 1.0.0 Breaking Ground expansions.

    To exclude interference I installed a fresh copy of the game, the DLCs and GEA as the only mod. When the menu screen loads I get a warning that

    "Kopernicus was not able to load the custom planetary system due to an exception in the loading process. ..."  (I will not retype the entire warning, it is quite long.)


    If I still try starting a new game it freezes on the loading screen. Background noise is playing, but only the loading animation is showing.


    Kopernicus' logs don't show really useful information, however KSP's logs are full of error messages and exceptions. The packaged logs can be found here:



    Gentoo Linux

    OpenGL 4.5

    AMD Ryzen 2700 CPU

    AMD RX470 GPU

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