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  1. That isn’t the whole point here : you can already do that in KSP 1. I think you should still be able to hear your rocket if you wanted to (and you should definitely hear it in IVA view). The more interesting part would be the variations of sound depending on the celestial body your rocket is on. (In contrast to KSP 1 where explosions all sound the same everywhere)
  2. I don’t know if this has been suggested before, but I think it would be great to have in KSP 2 a “realistic sound mode”. That way, sound coming from a spacecraft would be normal to the human ear on the surface of Kerbin, but would muffle out with altitude (depending on the atmosphere’s thickness), would be muted in vaccum and change in properties depending on the atmosphere’s composition on other planets. This would create several interestingly different sound environments, with each planet having its own sound properties. So, do you think that sound is an important thing in the gameplay or that it is a waste of time for the developers ?
  3. Today, I finished the career mode of KSP ! After playing several months the same save, I finally did it ! My last mission was a science mission to Eve, and its moon Gilly. I had to earn more than 3000 science to research the last three techs, which cost 1000 each. So, I just put a lab with scientific instruments on top of 4 nukes and a little lander. After assembling the ship in orbit I successfully reached Eve : After making a few experiments I plotted my course to Gilly and arrived 8 days later : I transfered Lodlock Kerman in the lander, then I undocked it and landed in the Midlands : Then I biome-hopped to the Highlands, and redocked to the main ship. I fired again the engines and put myself in a highly eccentric Eve orbit, to maximise the Orberth effect. After 6 years in space, the crew came back with insane amounts of science, though the majority of it came from the science lab. I actually unlocked the entire tech tree by transmitting the Gilly science : Later I gained 3000 more science with the lab reserch : The crew returned safely, fortunately. Well that's it ! It was the first time I completed a career save. I'm so happy now !
  4. Today I landed on Pol, which was a mission I planned aaaages ago... Before flight I planned to go to Pol and Vall with my fellow Kerbals, but I unfortunately overestimated the Dv of my mothership. So, I landed on Pol because... there's no point landing on a big Minmus, right? Also, I love those weirdy spikes you find at it's surface... So here's Paul Kerman (yeah I also landed there for the joke) getting into the (massively overpowered) lander: Then I smoothly landed on the almost gravityless body: Then I planted a flag and set up those experiments:
  5. I've been in a lot of places, like Jool's Moons (I have currently a Kerballed mission to Vall and Pol), Duna, Gilly and even Dres (@Lewie I can confirm that it exists, I saw it with my very eyes ).
  6. I guess they are going to be revamped in the next update.
  7. So today I recovered my Kerbals from Duna, and I had so many problems on the return trip that I thought I would never make it back! The launch itself went pretty well, and I got that Rendez-vous at the first try! I also docked to the mother ship pretty easily But then, the series of problems begun : First, due to a weird bug, the tracking station behaved like if it was at level 1 ! Being in sandbox, I couldn't do anything but restarting the game, because I couldn't make a maneuver node! I finally managed to solve the problem by launching a part on the launchpad and then switching to the ship without going through the tracking station. Everything went OK during this part of the mission... Because of my fear of high reentry speeds with a lot of kerbals in an aerodynamically unstable reentry pod, I decided to use the 2 km/s of Dv left to insert myself in a low Kerbin orbit. Then I had a little heart attack when I realized that I didn't HAVE ANY PARACHUTES (I'm a terrible rocket builder)! So I made a little rescue pod with a lot of chutes, and also a big heat shield to be sure that I won't burn up... And I launched it to R&V with the mother ship... Then on the map I realized that the mother ship WAS ORBITING THE OTHER WAY! (I'm a terrible mission planner) So I relaunched and made a rendez-vous with the ship and docked to it, FINALLY! (I also needed to use the ship for docking because the pod didn't have any propulsion system and the docking port was facing towards the second stage) And then I deorbited and... exploded due to the wobbling caused by the heat shield... So, in these cases, F9! Aaaaannd.. there we go! That was a... particular... first Duna mission, but everybody returned home safely!
  8. I built a rather big interplanetary ship, nuclear powered, which goal was to land three kerbals on Duna. It consists of a big service module with a crew capacity of seven Kerbals, and a lander with a crew capacity of three. And so I launched all of this in one piece in a massive launcher : The launch went OK with this three-stage launcher Stage separations: I performed also the orbit insertion burn with this stage equipped with three vectors engines Now you can see my ship in all its glory! The Nukes gave me more than enough Dv : about 4000 m/s in Kerbin orbit. My crew arrived successfully to Duna: With the ship in orbit we can transfer the crew in the lander and begin our descent: Fortunately, the chutes deployed flawlessly. Touchdown! After the landing, Megney, Johnsby and Bob got out of the craft and started to put in place the surface science and to plant the sacred flag: And that's it! My plans for tomorrow are to get those Kerbals home, of course .
  9. Take it! It's actually a little stress ball. Waiter! There's a whole pile of books in my soup!
  10. Yeah, but I suppose that developing a game needs an extreme level of cooperation between the developers. I don't think that they will be as productive at home as if they were at the office.
  11. Do you think that the current coronavirus crisis will affect the development of KSP 2 ?
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