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  1. Is there any mod that allows to mount a camera anywhere in the rocket and get the video stream out of KSP game (over UDP or something similar)?
  2. Found an interesting arch structure on the Mun. Anybody else was aware of it? Here are the coordinates: 2° 16' 50" N, 81° 48' 12" E and a picture of it: https://ibb.co/0Q3kPps Has it been made by aliens? :D
  3. Hi all, I recently bought this game and I love it! I followed the various tutorials and made some successful launches (yeah!). Now I'm trying to build a custom rocket to make a space station. However, I'm having an issue with the decouplers. Esssentially, if I use a motor smaller in diameter than the fuel tank right above the motor, the decoupler will cover only the motor and I will see gap in the profile of the fuselage. I'm adding a couple of pictures to show what I mean: Here is the last stage with the motor mounted: https://imagebin.ca/v/4l5vWwjeFdOd And here the decoupler attached at the bottom of the engine: https://imagebin.ca/v/4l5vj7g82QRP (the red and yellow lines show the difference I'm talking about). Is there any way to prevent this? Sorry if my language is not technical enough, I'm just learning. Thank you.
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