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Posts posted by decadre

  1. Hello,

    I just decided to move beyond having just a handful of mods (basically; mechjeb, kerbal engineer, docking port, xscience, alarm clock)  and start using some mods that add other parts.

    So I'm trying scansat, stockalike station parts, OPT space plane parts, and this one Kerbal Planetary Base Systems.

    So, on the surface everything seems fine. Playing along with a new career and looking to create a Mun base. I have some trees unlocked, so looking to make a first attempt.

    First comment, is it normal that parts don't seem to snap attach normally? I am trying to put either of the landing legs on the Engine piece, and I am working with a workflow of; let part snap attach in the vicinity of where I want it, then use the rotate and move tool get it where I want them. Also, is it better to work in the airplane hangar as opposed to the rocket hangar. When looking to attach two legs in the rocket hangar, the two legs are in opposite directions. I am sure this is mentioned somewhere in instructions somewhere... pfft, instructions.


    Secondly, and after poking around I wonder if this is the problem. I have A LOT of lines in the module manager log like the 3 I am posting below.

    "[LOG 2019-06-25 09:23:17.138] Deleting root node in file PlanetaryBaseInc/ModSupport/Configs/CTT/KPBS_MM_CTT node: @PART[KKAOSS_gangway_4_2]:FOR[PlanetarySurfaceStructures]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
    [LOG 2019-06-25 09:23:17.138] Deleting root node in file PlanetaryBaseInc/ModSupport/Configs/CTT/KPBS_MM_CTT node: @PART[KKAOSS_gangway_5_1]:FOR[PlanetarySurfaceStructures]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
    [LOG 2019-06-25 09:23:17.138] Deleting root node in file PlanetaryBaseInc/ModSupport/Configs/CTT/KPBS_MM_CTT node: @PART[KKAOSS_gangway_6_1]:FOR[PlanetarySurfaceStructures]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS"

    My assumption is that the module is removing "something" from the part that relates to a mod references in  the NEEDS[mod_name], which means I don't necessarily have to have these mods. Is this correct?

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