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Everything posted by PresidentGod123

  1. hi, ok my symmetry is really weird sometimes when i try to build stuff. I know how to change symmetry mode with R and all that but its still really wonky. Example: I tried using breaking grounds mechanical parts and wanted to make a VTOL with flip up wings but no matter what symmetry mode i used the motors would always rotate in opposite directions on either side. the same with structual parts. wings work with no problem but when i use a structual part wich is shaped like a triangle (so kinda shaped like a wing) it points two different ways??? Ive played ksp for quite some time now but have never had problems like this. And now all i can do is just dont use symmetry when that happens and just place things really carefully. And one time i watched a matt lowe video where he placed the breaking grounds mechanical parts normally and they worked just fine??? Help thank you
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