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  1. Ah! Sorry Im new here! Thanks you ____________________________ Working at: Xưởng hạt điều - hạt điều bình phước
  2. Can you make a clip how to build this? It's too hard for me Thanks
  3. My scientist try to reset science equipment when EVE and use RCS System! But i lost the Control my character and he dead. Can someone give me the tips for Control and how to use RCS System When EVE in Space. Sorry my English not good! Thanks you
  4. Moon have not atmosphere. You can landing easy with Com pod 1 person and Early gear!
  5. My Pilots rank Lv2 When i landed on mun! Thanks you! Your tips work all tips: Pilots, Engineer and scientist? Thanks you
  6. Played Career mode! My scientist dead. I recuit new one. How to level up new scientist? Thanks
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