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  1. Ohhhhhh thanks !!!! That was exactly my problem ! Very strange because until now i have only docked in the "training" menu (mission "Docking")... I realize my first docking (and 2-3 others) with à 90° angle and the 2 vessels turn automatically and dock ! (i was very surprized). I i'm almost sure that i don't have disconnected the SAS... Whatever... Now it.s working after 10 times only disconnecting the SAS... Thanks a lot for this hint. Regards
  2. Hi, First, sorry for my very bad ebglish... ! :(( Yes, this mission is not simple ! Here are some screenshots of my "rocket" (click link)... With this strange "module" i've complete the mission. Some importants notices : - before to eject booster, is better to wait for 5 sec (if not when ejject the empty boosters, they climb a little more and increase the risk of a collison with module) - during the ascent, watch for the apoastro and when the value is beetween 270,000 and 280.000m, stop immediatly the power (use throttle carefully to avoid missing the correct altitude !) - when all requirements of the mission (contract) are complete, you have too go down and take back the module to the base with TD-25, you can't dropt it (i think...) - during the descent, you have to brake with the rest of power... So place the module like in the ascent, so you will be able to decelerate using throttle.... You can initiate at 30.000m for exemple - watch the descent speed befor you open the 3 parachutes (we need 3 because we must landing with the module (TD-25)) Diiferents steps : 1) eject the 4 boosters (wait 5 sec before extinction) 2 ) use the central rocket to control the apoastro point 3) reduce speed in the descent with the central rocket 4) open the parachute Be carefull, if you land on the mountain, the module will roll down the slope (and TD-25 could explode !) So, I hope I was able to help you... Enjoy. Krayon
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