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Posts posted by Chris2004**

  1. Xbox 1

    Radial Present

    tried to destroy debris but didn’t help

    Game freezes/pauses for no reason, very often. I had an update today too that I downloaded and now my game is constantly freezing. I only have 1 other Probe in orbit, a small Sputnik replica. Any suggestions? 

  2. What i try to do, and it sounds stupid, but having some extra fuel on the way down isn’t a bad idea, for example if I have a Mun mission, and my Lander still has some fuel, I will renter the atmosphere, and try and burn off a little bit of speed, if I can. Then, I deploy the parachutes. If you can, try to land, on land, since the heat shield could help you. Hope you solve your problem, have a good day.

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