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Everything posted by Matej_

  1. So I recently installed BDArmory from this link, along with the required mods and North Kerbin Dynamics. I unpacked 3 folders into my GameData (BDArmory, BDArmory.Core, DamageCurves), and the other mods (North Kerbin Weaponry, PhysicsRangeExtender), as shown here. I start the game, I see the game loaded all the files. I go to the Spaceplane Hangar, look for the parts. I find the North Kerbin Dynamics parts in the utility section, but no BDArmory parts (anywhere). I then look around, find the parts under the Bahamuto manufacturer. I add basic weapons to a simple plane, add the Weapon Manager part and launch the plane. The Weapon Manager menu doesn't appear, and I can't do anything with the weapons (if I right click them, I can see they are filled with ammo). So, any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! Edit: I forgot to mention that I can see the Physics Range Extender menu, as well as open it.
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