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Posts posted by OM222O

  1. Thank you so much! I didn't know debris was hidden by default! I can now see it and dock with it which should solve the problem! The last stage of the mission is actually sending a "crane" which can dock and manipulate the modules on the station, I just couldn't find it in order to dock with it since debris were turned off XD

    Also I'm not sure where the persistent debris option is.

    P.S: I realized I have a ton of extra debris lying around! I'd like to dock with them and de orbit them like you have to do in real life rather than cheesing it by terminating them in the tracking station.

  2. Hello

    I decided to build a space station and send it to duna in order to finish my science tree in career mode.

    I already had a shuttle built, so I wanted to build the station in multiple parts and transfer the whole thing to duna rather sending one giant station. First part was the science module which consisted of only two mobile processing labs. The next part was electrical (batteries and solar panels) as well as the main engine and mono propellant (so no command module).

    After decoupling from the shuttle, it is being shown as debries and I can no longer track it to dock with it or to at least destroy it!


    Is there anything I can do to save that or is it a lost cause?

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