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  1. Hi guys, I am trying to do some research for a science project which is based around aerodynamics. I have been finding lots of examples and explanations about how to get the various Co-efficient for planes but I can't seem to find much on rockets. Allot of the examples are talking about aerodynamics on an airfoil, a plane wing. I was wondering if that same idea translates onto a rocket for working out it's drag and lift co-efficient etc.
  2. Thanks for your quick responses, so if the middle slim part isn't nessesary for the aerodynamics then why don't they just have the same diameter the whole way down the body and have the rocket not as tall as that would reduce skin friction? Is it to keep the centre of mass up higher?
  3. Hey, guys. This is my first post here but I have a question which I am hoping someone could answer for me. There is a certain common feature lots of the Russian rockets have like the Long March versions and the Falcon Heavy from SpaceX where the head of the rocket has a bigger diameter than the middle and then the end of the rocket has a diameter similar to the head. So the rocket has a thinner part in the middle. Is there any aerodynamic reason for this or is it simply to use up less material? I have no idea about rocket shapes and have every little experience with stuff like this but it would be great if someone could shed some light on this for me.
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